the story behind stars above...
When Zachary was 4, his dear friend Kacey was diagnosed with
At 7 years old, Zachary's dream and new year's resolution was to have a nonprofit and raise funds to help his friend Kacey and local kids going through cancer. He named this nonprofit Stars Above Foundation, after the song by Coldplay, "A Sky Full of Stars" and Michael Jackson having foundation. ( He was 7)
This young boy has dreams of becoming the President of the United States of America and his top issue/platform is Childhood Cancer. He got to march in Curefest to let the government know we need more than 4 percent to go toward research. His best friend Kacey was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. Zachary faithfully prayed every night for her. She overcame cancer but like other childhood cancer survivors still battles with after junk.
Stars Above Foundation is a non profit 501 (c) 3 faith based foundation in partnership with the Fellowship Network to help support and connect kids with childhood cancer. We try to organize events in order to help support those in need of a better light. SAF also highlights and collaborates with other people, foundations, organizations to help support the same cause.